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0014-4800$Experimental and Molecular Pathology 0940-2993&Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 0014-4827Experimental Cell Research 0014-4835Experimental Eye Research 0531-5565Experimental Gerontology 0301-472XExperimental Hematology 0014-4886Experimental Neurology 0014-4894Experimental Parasitology 0894-1777&Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 0957-4174 Expert Systems with Applications 0014-4983 Explorations in Economic History 1550-8307 0723-0869Expositiones Mathematicae 0300-7073Family Practice News 0014-5793 0015-0282 0378-4290Field Crops Research 1468-1641Field Mycology 0015-1882Filtration+Separation 1544-6123Finance Research Letters 0168-874X&Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 1071-5797$Finite Fields and Their Applications 0379-7112Fire Safety Journal 1094-0529 1050-4648Fish and Shellfish Immunology 0165-7836Fisheries Research 0367-326X Fitoterapia 0367-2530Flora 0955-5986$Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 0962-7170"Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering 0962-7162$Fluid Abstracts: Process Engineering 0378-3812Fluid Phase Equilibria 0960-3085 0278-6915Food and Chemical Toxicology 0308-8146 0956-7135 0268-005XFood Hydrocolloids 0740-0020Food Microbiology 0306-9192 Food Policy 0950-3293 0963-9969 FS00-0174 0958-2592 1268-7731Foot and Ankle Surgery FS00-8144 0379-0738Forensic Science International 1872-4973(Forensic Science International: Genetics 0378-1127Forest Ecology and Management FS00-5554 1389-9341Forest Policy and Economics 0891-5849Free Radical Biology & Medicine 0091-3022Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 0016-2361Fuel 0140-6701Fuel and Energy Abstracts 0378-38205Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 1361-92099Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 1366-5545CTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 1369-8478@Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour FS00-0135 FS00-0316 FS00-1008 FS00-1021 FS00-1035 1477-8939&Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 0165-9936Trends in Analytical Chemistry FS00-5431 0968-0004Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0167-7799Trends in Biotechnology 1050-1738!Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 0962-8924Trends in Cell Biology 1364-6613Trends in Cognitive Sciences 0169-5347Trends in Ecology & Evolution 1043-2760&Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 0924-2244 0168-9525Trends in Genetics 1471-4906Trends in Immunology 0966-842XTrends in Microbiology 1471-4914Trends in Molecular Medicine 0166-2236Trends in Neurosciences 1471-4922Trends in Parasitology 0165-6147"Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 1360-1385Trends in Plant Science 0301-679XTribology International 1007-0214NON 1472-9792 Tuberculosis 0886-7798 1016-3190Tzu Chi Medical Journal 0304-3991Ultramicroscopy 0041-624X Ultrasonics 1350-4177Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 0301-5629 1618-8667Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 1078-14397Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 0090-4295 0957-1787Utilities Policy 0264-410XVaccine 0042-207XVacuum 1537-1891Vascular Pharmacology$Journal of the Neurological Sciences 1876-10705Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 0022-5193Journal of Theoretical Biology 0306-4565Journal of Thermal Biology 0022-5223.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 0965-206XJournal of Tissue Viability 0946-672X1Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology'Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 0966-6923Journal of Transport Geography 1570-6672 1971-3495Journal of Ultrasound 0094-1190Journal of Urban Economics 0022-5347 1062-0303Journal of Vascular Nursing 0741-5214Journal of Vascular Surgery 1558-7878BJournal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 1760-2734 Journal of Veterinary Cardiology 0166-0934Journal of Virological Methods 1047-32038Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1045-926X)Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 0001-8791Journal of Vocational Behavior 0892-1997Journal of Voice 0377-0273.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1570-8268 0167-6105 1090-9516Journal of World Business 1051-04436JVIR: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 1607-551X 1779-0123 0968-0160 0950-7051Knowledge-Based Systems 0720-3373 0927-5371Labour Economics 1166-3413L'Aide Soignante 0140-6736 1473-3099 1474-4422 1470-2045 0264-8377Land Use Policy 0169-2046Landscape and Urban Planning 0271-5309 FS00-1016 0388-0001 0003-5521L'Anthropologie 1553-9555 1048-9843 1041-6080 0959-4752 0023-9690 1344-6223 0145-2126Leukemia Research 0014-3855L'Evolution Psychiatrique 0740-8188&Library & Information Science Research 1464-90559Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 0024-3205 Life Sciences 0075-9511 Limnologica 0024-3795#Linear Algebra and its Applications 0024-3841 0898-5898 0024-4937Lithos 1871-1413Livestock Science 0024-6301Long Range Planning 0169-5002 Lung Cancer 0023-6438 0730-725XMagnetic Resonance Imaging 1616-5047Mammalian Biology 1044-5005Management Accounting Research 1389-9457Sleep Medicine 1087-0792Sleep Medicine Reviews 0921-4488Small Ruminant Research 0378-8733Social Networks 0277-9536Social Science & Medicine FS00-1027 0362-3319 0049-089X 0038-0121 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 0038-0296Sociologie du Travail 0167-1987Soil & Tillage Research 0038-0717Soil Biology & Biochemistry 0267-7261(Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 0038-0814Soins 1770-9857 0183-2980 1268-6034 1259-4792 0241-6972Soins Psychiatrie 0038-092X Solar Energy 0927-0248 0038-1098Solid State Communications FS00-1058 0167-2738Solid State Ionics 0926-2040&Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1293-2558Solid State Sciences 0038-1101Solid-State Electronics 0254-6299 0265-9646 Space Policy 1877-5845 1386-1425CSpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 0584-8547/Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 0167-6393Speech Communication 1529-9430 1441-3523Sport Management Review 0949-328X 1572-3127Statistical Methodology 0167-7152 Statistics & Probability Letters 1873-5061Stem Cell Research 0039-128XSteroids 0304-4149 0954-349X'Structural Change and Economic Dynamics*Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 1744-165X%Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 1044-5323Seminars in Immunology 0001-2998Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 0749-2081Seminars in Oncology Nursing 1073-8746Seminars in Orthodontics 1071-9091Seminars in Pediatric Neurology 1055-8586Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 0146-0005Seminars in Perinatology 1053-4296Seminars in Radiation Oncology 0037-198XSeminars in Roentgenology 1043-0679/Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1092-9126QSeminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual 0887-2171 0895-7967Seminars in Vascular Surgery 0924-4247!Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 0925-4005!Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 1383-5866&Separation and Purification Technology 0098-7913Serials ReviewJournal of Cultural Heritage 1569-1993Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 1991-7902Journal of< Dental Sciences 0300-5712Journal of Dentistry 0923-1811!Journal of Dermatological Science 0304-3878 Journal of Development Economics 1056-8727)Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 0022-0396!Journal of Differential Equations 1570-8667 0304-4076Journal of Econometrics 0167-2681+Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 0165-1889(Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 0167-4870Journal of Economic Psychology 0022-0531Journal of Economic Theory 0148-6195!Journal of Economics and Business&Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry FS00-6055 FS00-6040 0022-0736Journal of Electrocardiology 1050-6411 0368-20486Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 0304-3886Journal of Electrostatics 0736-4679 0099-1767Journal of Emergency Nursing 0927-5398Journal of Empirical Finance 0099-2399Journal of Endodontics 0923-47480Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 1475-1585 0095-06961Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 0301-4797#Journal of Environmental Management 0272-4944#Journal of Environmental Psychology 0265-931X&Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1001-0742!Journal of Environmental Sciences 0737-0806$Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 0378-8741 1532-3382)Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 1557-5063Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 0022-0965 0022-09812Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 0022-1031)Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 1877-8585#Journal of Family Business Strategy 0304-405XJournal of Financial Economics 1042-9573#Journal of Financial Intermediation 1386-4181Journal of Financial Markets 1572-3089Journal of Financial Stability 0094-730X 0889-9746 Journal of Fluids and Structures 0022-1139Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 0889-1575(Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 0260-8774Journal of Food Engineering 1067-2516 1752-928X&Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 1104-6899Journal of Forest Economics 0929-6646 1872-5813(Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 0022-1236Journal of Functional Analysis 1756-4646Journal of Functional Foods 1673-8527 Journal of Genetics and Genomics 0375-6742"Journal of Geochemical ExplorationAcademic PediatricsOrganic Electronics 0146-6380Organic Geochemistry 0749-59784Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 0090-2616Organizational Dynamics 1262-4586Ortho Magazine 1344-0241Orthodontic Waves 1877-1327Orthopaedics and Trauma 1063-4584Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 1877-573XOsteopathic Family Physician 1615-9071Osteopathische Medizin 0990-1310Oxymag 0927-538XPacific-Basin Finance Journal 1526-0542Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 1751-7222 0304-3959 1524-9042Pain Management Nursing 0031-01821Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 1871-174X Palaeoworld 0167-8191Parallel Computing 1383-5769Parasitology International 1353-8020 Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 1674-2001 Particuology 0369-8114Pathologie Biologie 0344-0338!Pathology - Research and Practice 0928-4680Pathophysiology 0738-3991 Patient Education and Counseling 0031-3203Pattern Recognition 0167-8655Pattern Recognition Letters 0887-8994Pediatric Neurology 0031-398XPediatric News 1875-9572 0031-4056 Pedobiologia 1002-0160 0196-9781Peptides 0166-5316Performance Evaluation 0191-8869&Personality and Individual Differences 1433-83198Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 1574-1192Pervasive and Mobile Computing 0048-3575%Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 1876-3804 1530-6232 Pharmaceutical Approvals Monthly 1043-6618Pharmacological Research 0163-7258 0091-3057 FS00-0138 FS00-0177 1572-1000'Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 1569-4410<Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 0378-4371 0921-4526 0921-4534 0167-2789 1386-9477 1120-1797Physica Medica 1874-4907Physical CommunicationPhysical Therapy in Sport 1474-7065 0375-9601Physics Letters A 0370-2693Physics Letters B 1571-0645Physics of Life Reviews 0031-9201,Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 0370-1573Physics Reports 0885-5765+Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 0031-9384Physiology & Behavior 0016-6995Geobios 0016-7037Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 0016-7061Geoderma 0016-7185Geoforum 0954-0512 1365-1617 0169-555X Geomorphology FS00-1014 0266-1144Geotextiles and Geomembranes 0375-6505 Geothermics 0197-4572Geriatric Nursing 1934-3450 0921-8181Global and Planetary Change 0959-3780Global Environmental Change 1044-0283Global Finance Journal 1342-937XGondwana Research 0740-624X Government Information Quarterly 1524-0703Graphical Models 1530-1214FDC REPORTS INC. 1096-6374 0090-8258Gynecologic Oncology 1297-9589 0197-3975Habitat International FS00-1028 1568-9883 Harmful Algae 1353-8292Health & Place 1042-2781Health News Daily 0168-8510 Health Policy 0378-5955Hearing Research 0147-9563 1443-9506 1547-5271 Heart Rhythm 1574-1818High Energy Density Physics 0315-0860Historia Mathematica 1475-4916 Homeopathy 0018-442X 1561-5413Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology 1569-1861)Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 1013-7025Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 0018-506XHormones and Behavior 0198-8859Human Immunology 0167-9457 0046-8177Human Pathology 1053-4822 Human Resource Management Review 0304-386XHydrometallurgy 0019-1035Icarus FS00-8637 0262-8856Image and Vision Computing 0171-2985 Immunobiology 0165-2478Immunology Letters 0019-3577Indagationes Mathematicae 0926-6690Industrial Crops and Products 0019-8501Industrial Marketing Management 0163-6383 1567-1348!Infection, Genetics and Evolution 0378-7206 0890-5401 1471-7727Information and Organization 0950-5849#Information and Software Technology 0167-6245 Information Economics and Policy 1566-2535Information Fusion 0306-4573#Information Processing & Management 0020-0190 0020-0255Information Sciences 1363-4127%Information Security Technical Report 0306-4379Information Systems 1350-4495Infrared Physics & Technology 0020-1383Injury 1466-85641Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 1387-7003"Inorganic Chemistry Communications 0020-1693Inorganica Chimica Acta 0965-1748)Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology FS00-0406 0167-6687$Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 0167-9260 0160-2896 0964-3397#Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 0966-9795Intermetallics 1097-8690Internal Medicine News 0964-83051International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 0969-5931International Business Review FS00-0140 0735-19336International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer FS00-0680 0958-6946International Dairy Journal 0262-0855 1755-599XInternational Emergency Nursing 1567-5769 International Immunopharmacology 1057-2317,International Information and Library Review 0020-7519&International Journal for Parasitology 0020-7063 1467-08957International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 0143-7496/International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 0924-8579-International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 0303-2434Progress in Polymer Science 0079-6727Progress in Quantum Electronics 1350-9462$Progress in Retinal and Eye Research FS00-0106 0079-6786!Progress in Solid State Chemistry 0079-6816Progress in Surface Science 1098-8823&Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators 0952-3278 1046-5928#Protein Expression and Purification 1434-4610Protist 0165-1781Psychiatry Research FS00-8064 0925-4927!Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 0033-2984Psychologie Francaise 1469-0292 Psychology of Sport and Exercise< 0306-4530Psychoneuroendocrinology 0033-3506 Public Health 0944-5587Public Health Forum 0363-8111Public Relations Review 1094-5539'Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0393-0645 Quaderni Italiani di Psichiatria 1062-9769 1871-1014Quaternary Geochronology 1040-6182Quaternary International FS00-1037 0033-5894Quaternary Research 0277-3791Quaternary Science Reviews 1350-4487Radiation Measurements 0969-806XRadiation Physics and Chemistry 1078-8174 Radiography 0167-8140 1875-5372$Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 1381-5148 Reactive and Functional Polymers 0166-0462$Regional Science and Urban Economics 0167-0115Regulatory Peptides 0273-2300&Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 0034-3617Reinforced Plastics 0951-8320 0034-4257Remote Sensing of Environment 1364-0321&Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 0960-1481Renewable Energy 1755-0084Renewable Energy Focus 0034-4877Reports on Mathematical Physics 0968-8080Reproductive Health Matters 0890-6238Reproductive Toxicology 1052-0457!Research in Accounting Regulation 1750-9467%Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 0891-4222 1090-9443Research in Economics 0275-5319.Research in International Business and Finance 0923-2508Research in Microbiology 0191-3085 1551-7411.Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 0276-5624 0739-8859$Research in Transportation Economics 0034-5288Research in Veterinary Science 0048-7333Research Policy 0928-7655Resource and Energy Economics 0301-4207Resources Policy 0921-3449%Resources, Conservation and Recycling 0954-61114International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 0925-5273-International Journal of Production Economics 0263-7863+International Journal of Project Management 0167-8760)International Journal of Psychophysiology 0360-3016 0263-4368=International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 0140-7007&International Journal of Refrigeration 0167-8116.International Journal of Research in Marketing 1365-1609;International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 1001-6279*International Journal of Sediment Research 0020-7683.International Journal of Solids and Structures 1290-0729)International Journal of Thermal Sciences 1059-0560+International Review of Economics & Finance 1057-5219*International Review of Financial Analysis 0144-8188)International Review of Law and Economics 1096-7516 1959-0318 1959-7568 0019-0578 0924-27162ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 1877-9344Italian Journal of Medicine 1827-2452Italian Oral Surgery 1936-878X 1936-8798 0922-1425Japan and the World Economy 1882-7616Japanese Dental Science Review 0197-2510 1297-319XJoint Bone Spine 0021-7824,Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 1156-5233Journal de Mycologie Medicale 0987-7983 1617-1381Journal for Nature Conservation 1555-4155 1091-8531Journal of AAPOS 0099-1333 0165-4101#Journal of Accounting and Economics 0278-4254'Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 0748-5751Journal of Accounting Education 0140-1971 1054-139XJournal of Adolescent Health 0021-8502Journal of Aerosol Science 0165-0327Journal of Affective Disorders 1464-343X 0890-4065Journal of Aging Studies 0969-6997#Journal of Air Transport Management 0021-8693Journal of Algebra 0091-6749*Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 0925-8388Journal of Alloys and Compounds 0165-2370+Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 0278-4165 0887-6185Journal of Anxiety Disorders 0193-3973 0926-9851Journal of Applied Geophysics 1570-8683Journal of Applied Logic 0021-8928,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 0021-9045Journal of Approximation Theory 0305-4403 0140-1963Journal of Arid Environments 0883-5403Journal of Arthroplasty 1367-9120 1049-0078Journal of Asian Economics 1226-8615"Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 1364-68264Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 0896-8411Journal of Autoimmunity 0378-4266Journal of Banking & Finance 0005-79167Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 0021-9290Journal of Biomechanics 1532-0464!Journal of Biomedical Informatics 1672-6529Journal of Bionic Engineering 1389-1723Manual Therapy 0264-8172Marine and Petroleum Geology 0304-4203Marine Chemistry 0141-1136Marine Environmental Research 1874-7787Marine Genomics 0025-3227Marine Geology 0377-8398Marine Micropaleontology 0308-597X Marine Policy 0025-326X 0951-8339Marine StructuresMaterials & Design 1044-5803Materials Characterization 0254-0584Materials Chemistry and Physics 0167-577XMaterials Letters 0025-5408Materials Research Bulletin FS00-6043 FS00-6042 FS00-6044 0921-5093$Materials Science and Engineering: A 0921-5107$Materials Science and Engineering: B 0928-4931$Materials Science and Engineering: C 0927-796X-Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 1369-8001 1369-7021Materials Today 0895-7177#Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0025-5564Mathematical Biosciences 0165-4896Mathematical Social Sciences 0378-4754'Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0945-053XMatrix Biology 0378-5122 Maturitas 0263-2241 Measurement 0309-1740 Meat Science 0888-3270(Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 0167-6636Mechanics of Materials 0093-6413!Mechanics Research Communications 0094-114XMechanism and Machine Theory 0047-6374$Mechanisms of Ageing and Development FS00-8146 0925-4773Mechanisms of Development 0957-4158 Mechatronics 1246-7391 0399-077X 0928-1258 0958-3947Medical Dosimetry 1350-4533Medical Engineering & Physics 0306-9877Medical Hypotheses 1361-8415Medical Image Analysis 1615-1615Medical Laser Application 1357-3039Medicine 0959-9436Mendeleev Communications 1755-2966#Mental Health and Physical Activity 1096-7176Metabolic Engineering 0026-0495 Metabolism 0026-0576 0026-0657Metal Powder Report 1873-1988 Metamaterials 1046-2023Methods 1258-780X FS00-9098 1286-4579Microbes and Infection 0882-4010Microbial Pathogenesis 0944-5013Microbiological Research 0026-265XMicrochemical Journal 0167-9317Microelectronic Engineering 0026-2692Microelectronics Journal 0026-2714Microelectronics Reliability 0968-4328Micron 1387-1811$Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems 0026-2862Microvascular Research 0266-6138 Midwifery 0026-3680 0892-6875Minerals Engineering%Mining Science and Technology (China) 1567-7249 Mitochondrion 0166-6851&Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 0303-7207$Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 1044-7431#Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 0890-8508 0098-2997Molecular Aspects of Medicine 1096-7192!Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 0161-5890Molecular Immunology 1574-7891Molecular Oncology 1055-7903%Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 0391-2000Mondo Ortodontico 0027-5107GMutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1383-5718 1383-5742 1748-0132 Nano Today 1549-96342Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 0963-8695NDT & E International 1353-4858Network Security 0893-6080Neural Networks 0197-4580Neurobiology of Aging 0969-9961Neurobiology of Disease 1074-7427#Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 0197-0186Neurochemistry International 0925-2312Neurocomputing 1053-8119 0960-8966Neuromuscular Disorders 0143-4179 Neuropeptides 0028-3908 0987-70534Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 0222-96171Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence 0028-3932 0306-4522 Neuroscience 0149-7634$Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 0304-3940 FS00-0136< FS00-0175 0168-0102 0161-813X 0892-0362Neurotoxicology and Teratology 1384-1076 1387-6473 1871-6784"Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 0887-7963Transfusion Medicine Reviews 1931-5244 0014-2999 0176-2680%European Journal of Political Economy 0932-4739 European Journal of Protistology)Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume) 0894-1130Journal of Hand Therapy 0304-3894Journal of Hazardous Materials 0167-6296Journal of Health Economics 1053-2498 0168-8278Journal of Hepatology 1047-8310 0305-7488Journal of Historical Geography 0195-6701Journal of Hospital Infection 1051-1377Journal of Housing Economics 0047-2484Journal of Human Evolution 1001-6058 1570-6443 0022-1694Journal of Hydrology FS00-5457 0022-1759 Journal of Immunological Methods 1226-086X/Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 0163-4453Journal of Infection 1876-0341&Journal of Infection and Public Health 1751-1577Journal of Informetrics 0162-0134!Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 0022-1910Journal of Insect Physiology 1094-9968 Journal of Interactive Marketing 1061-9518:Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 0022-1996"Journal of International Economics 1042-4431@Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 1075-4253#Journal of International Management 0261-5606*Journal of International Money and Finance 0022-2011!Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 1006-706X 1567-8326 0950-42304Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 0022-2313Journal of Luminescence 0164-0704Journal of Macroeconomics 1090-7807Journal of Magnetic Resonance 0304-8853+Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 0161-47546Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1526-6125"Journal of Manufacturing Processes 0278-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Systems FS00-4083 0924-7963 0924-0136*Journal of Materials Processing Technology 0022-247X1Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0732-3123 0304-4068!Journal of Mathematical Economics 0022-2496 1000-1948 1939-86541Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 0929-6441Journal of Medical Ultrasound 0376-7388Journal of Membrane Science 0749-596X 1875-6867Journal of Men's Health 0167-7012"Journal of Microbiological Methods 0966-3274Transplant Immunology 0041-1345Transplantation Proceedings 0955-470XTransplantation Reviews 0967-070XTransport Policy 0965-85643Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0191-2615.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 0968-090X 0305-7372Cancer Treatment Reviews 0144-8617Carbohydrate Polymers 0008-6215Carbohydrate Research 0008-6223Carbon 1544-8800Cardiology News 1054-8807Cardiovascular Pathology 1553-8389)Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine 1526-4114Caring for the Ages 1566-7367Catalysis Communications 0920-5861Catalysis Today 0341-8162 0143-4160 Cell Calcium 0008-8749Cellular Immunology 0898-6568Cellular Signalling 0958-9465Cement and Concrete Composites 0008-8846Cement and Concrete Research 0272-8842Ceramics International 0960-0779 0255-2701<Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 1385-8947Chemical Engineering Journal FS00-6050 0263-8762 0009-2509Chemical Engineering Science 0009-2541Chemical Geology 0301-0104Chemical Physics 0009-2614Chemical Physics Letters 0009-2797Chemico-Biological Interactions 0009-2819Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 0009-3084Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 0169-7439/Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 0045-6535 1558-6200Chest Physician 0145-2134Child Abuse & Neglect 0190-7409"Children and Youth Services Review 1043-951XChina Economic Review 0275-1062"Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics 1001-8417Chinese Chemical Letters 1872-2040'Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1872-2067Chinese Journal of Catalysis 1004-9541'Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 1297-3203Chirurgie de la Main 0007-8506 0165-2427)Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 1090-0233 0378-1135Veterinary Microbiology 0304-4017Veterinary Parasitology 0924-2031Vibrational Spectroscopy 0042-6822Virology 0168-1702Virus Research 0042-6989Vision Research 1634-0760Vocation Sage-Femme 0956-053XWaste Management 0043-1354 0165-2125 Wave Motion 0043-1648Wear 1871-5192Women and Birth 1049-3867Women's Health Issues 0277-5395 0305-750XWorld Development 0172-2190World Patent Information 0262-1762 World Pumps 1865-9217 0939-3889#Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik 0044-5231Zoologischer Anzeiger 0944-2006Zoology/Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 1055-3290 1726-4901*Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 0955-2219'Journal of the European Ceramic Society 0016-0032 0889-15833Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 1226-3192 0894-7317 1933-1711 1876-2859ELSEVIER 1076-6332Academic Radiology 0001-4575Accident Analysis & Prevention 0155-9982Accounting Forum 0361-3682%Accounting, Organizations and Society 1875-2780Acta Agronomica Sinica Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica 0094-5765Acta Astronautica 1874-1029Acta Automatica Sinica 1742-7061Acta Biomaterialia 1872-2032Acta Ecologica Sinica 0065-1281Acta HistochemicaURBAN AND FISCHER 1359-6454Acta Materialia 0252-9602Acta Mathematica Scientia SCIENCE PRESS 0894-9166Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 1146-609XActa Oecologica 0001-6918 0001-706X Acta Tropica 0515-3700 1570-8705Ad Hoc Networks 0306-4603Addictive Behaviors FS00-2274ELSEVIER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 0169-409XAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews 1474-0346 Advanced Engineering Informatics FS00-1026 0921-8831Advanced Powder Technology 0882-6110 0737-6146Advances in AnesthesiaMOSBY 0196-8858Advances in Applied Mathematics 1548-5595"Advances in Chronic Kidney DiseaseSAUNDERS 0001-8686)Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 0965-9978 Advances in Engineering Software 1040-2608 0001-8708Advances in Mathematics 0065-3101Advances in Pediatrics 1041-7826-Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 0065-3411 0309-1708Advances in Water Resources 1434-8411 1875-9637Aeolian Research 1270-9638 Aerospace Science and Technology 1568-1637Ageing Research Reviews 1359-1789Aggression and Violent Behavior 0168-1923#Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0308-521XAgricultural Systems 0378-3774Agricultural Water Management 0167-8809%Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 1067-991XAir Medical Journal 0196-6553 0741-8329Alcohol 1875-0672ELSEVIER MASSON 1552-5260Alzheimer's & Dementia 0002-8703American Heart Journal 0002-9149 0735-6757&American Journal of Emergency Medicine 1543-5946Respiratory Medicine 1569-9048%Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 0300-9572 Resuscitation 1094-2025Review of Economic Dynamics 1058-3300Review of Financial Economics 0034-6667%Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 1293-8505 0248-8663 0035-1598 1766-7313Revue du Podologue 1169-8330Revue du Rhumatisme 1162-9088 1773-035X"Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 1876-2204Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie 1541-9800Rheumatology News 1672-6308 Rice Science 0921-8890Robotics and Autonomous Systems 0736-5845.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 1530-1222 1068-7971Russian Geology and Geophysics 0304-3479Russian Literature 0925-7535Safety Science 0956-5221"Scandinavian Journal of Management 0920-9964Schizophrenia Research 1355-0306Science & Justice 0765-1597Science & Sports 0167-6423 0048-9697 0304-4238Scientia Horticulturae 1359-6462Scripta Materialia 0037-0738Sedimentary Geology< 1059-1311&Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 0049-0172$Seminars in Arthritis and RheumatismSeminars in Cancer Biology 1084-9521*Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 1085-5629 0003-2670Analytica Chimica Acta 0003-2697 0003-3472Animal Behaviour 0377-8401"Animal Feed Science and Technology 0378-4320Animal Reproduction Science 0003-3928 0294-1260 0294-1449=Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire 0753-3969 0750-7658 0003-4487 0940-9602Annals of Anatomy 1092-9134Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 0196-0644Annals of Emergency Medicine 1047-2797Annals of Epidemiology 0306-4549Annals of Nuclear Energy 1877-0657.Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 0003-4916Annals of Physics 0168-0072 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 0146-6453Annals of the ICRP 0003-4975 0160-7383Annals of Tourism Research 0890-5096Annals of Vascular Surgery 1367-5788Annual Reviews in Control 0166-3542Antiviral Research 0001-2092 AORN Journal 0195-6663Appetite 0003-682XApplied Acoustics 1063-5203+Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 0168-1591 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 0926-860XApplied Catalysis A: General 0926-3373"Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 0169-1317Applied Clay Science 0306-2619Applied Energy 0003-6870Applied Ergonomics 0883-2927Applied Geochemistry 0143-6228Applied Geography 0307-904XApplied Mathematical Modelling FS00-7004 0096-3003#Applied Mathematics and Computation 0893-9659Applied Mathematics Letters 0168-9274Applied Numerical Mathematics NORTH-HOLLAND 0897-1897Applied Nursing Research 0141-1187Applied Ocean Research 0969-8043Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1568-4946 0929-1393Applied Soil Ecology 0169-4332 1359-4311Applied Thermal Engineering 0144-8609 0044-8486 Aquaculture 0304-3770Aquatic Botany 0166-445XAquatic Toxicology 1687-1979 Arab Journal of Gastroenterology 1563-0110 0929-693X 0003-9861'Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1875-2136MASSON 1878-6480/Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases SupplementsUnknown 0167-4943&Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 0188-4409Archives of Medical Research 0003-9969Archives of Oral Biology 0003-99930Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 0883-9417Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1872-9312Artery Research 1467-8039!Arthropod Structure & Development FS00-0394 0749-8063 0004-3702Artificial Intelligence 0933-3657#Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 0197-4556 1876-2018Asian Journal of Psychiatry 1015-9584Asian Journal of Surgery 1075-2935 FS00-5460 0927-6505 0021-9150Atherosclerosis 1352-2310 0169-8095Atmospheric Research 0092-640X#Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 0385-8146Auris Nasus Larynx 1574-6267&Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal 1441-3582Australasian Marketing Journal 1036-7314Australian Critical Care 1568-9972Autoimmunity Reviews 0005-1098 Automatica FS00-0323 0926-5805Automation in Construction 1566-0702*Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 1439-1791Basic and Applied Ecology 0005-7894Behavior Therapy 0005-7967Behaviour Research and Therapy 0166-4328 0376-6357Behavioural Processes 1521-68962Best Practice & Research: Clinical Anaesthesiology=Best Practice & Research: Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1521-69183Best Practice & Research: Clinical GastroenterologyBAILLIÈRE TINDALL 1521-6926.Best Practice & Research: Clinical Haematology 1521-6934;Best Practice & Research: Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1521-6942New Biotechnology 1872-5805New Carbon Materials 0732-118X 1527-3369"Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews 1089-8603#Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry 1573-5214 FS00-0239 1751-570X"Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 1468-1218+Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 0362-546X 1062-9408 0090-3752Nuclear Data Sheets 0029-5493Nuclear Engineering and Design FS00-6045 0168-9002 0168-583XiNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 0969-8051Nuclear Medicine and Biology 0375-9474Nuclear Physics A 0550-3213Nuclear Physics B 0920-5632+Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 1471-5953Nurse Education in Practice 0260-6917Nurse Education Today 1541-4612 Nurse Leader 0029-6554Nursing Outlook 0899-9007 0985-0562 0939-4753 0271-5317Nutrition Research 0029-7437 Ob / Gyn News 1751-72141Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine 0964-5691Ocean & Coastal Management 0029-8018Ocean Engineering 1463-5003Ocean Modelling 0967-0653 FS00-0176 0305-0483Omega 0167-6377Operations Research Letters 1048-6666$Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 1043-1810>Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1060-1872'Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine 1522-2942;Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 0161-6420 1068-5200Optical Fiber Technology 0925-3467Optical Materials 1573-4277 Optical Switching and Networking 0030-3992Optics & Laser Technology 0143-8166 Optics and Lasers in Engineering 0030-4018Optics Communications 0030-4026Optik 1368-8375 Oral Oncology 0030-4387Orbis 0169-1368Ore Geology Reviews 1566-1199 0955-7997+Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 0952-19763Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1350-6307Engineering Failure Analysis 0013-7944Engineering Fracture Mechanics 0013-7952Engineering Geology 0141-0296Engineering Structures 0889-4906 FS00-0681 1875-9521Entertainment Computing 0160-4120 0098-8472%Environmental and Experimental Botany 0195-9255&Environmental Impact Assessment Review 1364-8152 0269-7491 0013-9351Environmental ResearchFS-2302 1462-9011Environmental Science & Policy FS00-0137 FS00-0173 1382-6689)Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 0141-0229Enzyme and Microbial Technology 1755-4365 Epidemics 1525-5050Epilepsy & Behavior 0920-1211Epilepsy Research 0272-7714 0014-2921European Economic Review 1878-7649European Geriatric Medicine FS00-9097 1161-0301European Journal of Agronomy 0959-8049 FS00-0298 0171-9335 European Journal of Cell Biology 0195-6698!European Journal of Combinatorics 1876-3820(European Journal of Integrative Medicine 0953-6205%European Journal of Internal Medicine 0997-7538(European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 0997-7546(European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 1769-7212$European Journal of Medical Genetics 0223-5234'European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0301-2115DEuropean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1462-3889$European Journal of Oncology Nursing 0377-2217(European Journal of Operational Research 1090-3798(European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 0928-0987+European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0939-64116European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 1553-4650(Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 0022-2828,Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 0022-2836Journal of Molecular Biology 1381-1169*Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 1381-1177+Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 1093-3263+Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 0167-7322Journal of Molecular Liquids 0022-2852!Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 0022-2860Journal of Molecular Structure 0031-9406 Physiotherapy 0031-9422Phytochemistry 1874-3900Phytochemistry Letters 0944-7113 Phytomedicine 1530-6240 1554-4036 0143-4004 0032-0633Planetary and Space Science 0981-9428!Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0168-9452 Plant Science 0147-619XPlasmid 1934-1482 0304-422X 1873-9652 Polar Science 1449-4035 0962-6298Political < Geography 0277-5387 Polyhedron 0032-3861Polymer 0141-3910!Polymer Degradation and Stability 0142-9418Polymer Testing 0925-5214"Postharvest Biology and Technology 0032-5910Powder Technology 0758-1882 1766-7305Pratiques en Nutrition 1269-1763Pratiques Psychologiques 0301-9268Precambrian Research 0141-6359Precision Engineering 0091-7435Preventive Medicine 0167-5877Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0393-9960 Prevenzione & Assistenza Dentale 1751-9918Primary Care Diabetes 0266-8920#Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 1540-7489'Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 0016-7878 1359-5113Process Biochemistry 0957-5820 1166-7087Progres en Urologie 0376-0421Progress in Aerospace Sciences 0079-6107*Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 0033-0620#Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 0960-8974<Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 0360-1285)Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0079-6336,Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 0163-7827Progress in Lipid Research 0079-6425Progress in Materials Science 0301-0082Progress in Neurobiology 0278-5846<Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 0149-1970Progress in Nuclear Energy 0079-65653Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 0079-6611 0300-9440Progress in Organic Coatings 0146-6410(Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 1058-9813 Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 0305-9006Progress in Planning 0079-6700Computer Aided Geometric Design 0140-3664Computer Communications 1361-3723Computer Fraud & Security 1477-8424*Computer Languages, Systems and Structures 0267-3649 0169-2607,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 0045-78255Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1389-1286Computer Networks FS00-5500 1574-0137 0885-2308Computer Speech and Language 0920-5489Computer Standards & Interfaces 1077-3142'Computer Vision and Image Understanding 0010-4485Computer-Aided Design 0895-6111)Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 0098-1354 Computers & Chemical Engineering 0360-1315Computers & Education 0045-7930Computers & Fluids 0098-3004Computers & Geosciences 0097-8493Computers & Graphics 0360-8352"Computers & Industrial Engineering 0898-1221)Computers & Mathematics with Applications 0305-0548Computers & Operations Research 0167-4048Computers & Security 0045-7949Computers & Structures 8755-4615 0045-7906 0168-1699(Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0266-352XComputers and Geotechnics 0010-4825!Computers in Biology and Medicine 0747-5632 0166-3615Computers in Industry 0198-9715(Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 1053-8100 0950-0618#Construction and Building Materials 1367-0484Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 1551-7144Contemporary Clinical Trials 0361-476X 0278-4343 0010-7824 Contraception 0967-0661Control Engineering Practice 0010-8545Coordination Chemistry Reviews 0010-938XCorrosion Science 0010-9452Cortex 0195-6671Cretaceous Research 1045-2354 1040-8428'Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 0261-2194Crop Protection 0011-2240 Cryobiology 0011-2275 Cryogenics 0964-8712 ELSEVIER/CABS 0895-9803)Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1751-6161:Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 0022-5096.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 0022-510X 1877-1319$Health Outcomes Research in Medicine 0242-3960 Inter Bloc 0304-3932Journal of Monetary Economics 1042-444X-Journal of Multinational Financial Management 0047-259X Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1003-9953 1875-5100.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 1355-1841Journal of Neonatal Nursing 1084-8045,Journal of Network and Computer Applications 0165-5728Journal of Neuroimmunology 0911-6044 0165-0270 0022-3093!Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 0377-0257(Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 0022-3115Journal of Nuclear Materials 0022-314XJournal of Number Theory 1499-4046+Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 0955-2863 0272-6963 Journal of Operations Management 0278-2391)Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 0022-328X#Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1526-5900 0885-3924&Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 0743-7315-Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 1083-3188.Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 0891-5245 Journal of Pediatric Health Care 0882-5963Journal of Pediatric Nursing 0022-3468Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1477-5131Journal of Pediatric Urology 0022-3476 1089-9472 0920-4105,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 0731-70851Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 1056-87194Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 0095-4470 1010-60307Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 1011-13445Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 1389-5567DJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews FS00-6041 0022-3697*Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 0928-4257Journal of Physiology - Paris 0176-1617Journal of Plant Physiology 1748-68156Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 0161-8938Journal of Policy Modeling 0378-7753Journal of Power Sources 0378-2166 0959-1524Journal of Process Control 8755-7223Journal of Professional Nursing 0022-3913Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 1883-1958!Journal of Prosthodontic Research 1874-3919 0022-3956Journal of Psychiatric Research 0022-3999!Journal of Psychosomatic Research 0047-2727Journal of Public Economics 1478-4092 0022-4049#Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 0022-40739Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 1546-0843Journal of Radiology Nursing 0167-4730Structural Safety 0191-491X 0039-3681 1355-2198 1369-8486 FS00-0401 0749-6036!Superlattices and Microstructures 0257-8972Surface and Coatings Technology 0039-6028 0167-5729 0039-6060Surgery 0263-9319Surgery (Oxford) 1550-7289(Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 0960-7404Surgical Oncology 0039-6257Survey of Ophthalmology 1876-73545Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 0379-6779Synthetic Metals 0346-251XSystem 0723-2020#Systematic and Applied Microbiology 0167-6911Systems & Control Letters 1028-4559 0039-9140Talanta 1530-1206 1557-3087 Teaching and Learning in Nursing 0742-051X 1096-2883(Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1084-208X5Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 1089-25163Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology 0040-1625+Technological Forecasting and Social Change 0160-791X 0166-4972 Technovation 0040-1951Tectonophysics 0308-5961Telecommunications Policy 0736-5853Telematics and Informatics 0040-4020 Tetrahedron FS00-0876 FS00-0232 0040-4039Tetrahedron Letters 0957-4166Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 0167-8442*Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 0304-3975 0040-5809Theoretical Population Biology 0093-691XTheriogenology 0040-6031Thermochimica Acta 0040-6090Thin Solid Films 1871-1871 0263-8231Thin-Walled Structures 0049-3848Thrombosis Research 0040-8166Tissue and Cell 1938-9736#Topics in Companion Animal Medicine 0166-8641Topology and its Applications 0261-5177Tourism Management 0300-483X Toxicology 0041-008X#Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 0887-2333Toxicology in Vitro 0378-4274Toxicology Letters 0041-0101Toxicon 1003-63262Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 1473-0502!Transfusion and Apheresis Science 1246-7820/Best Practice & Research: Clinical Rheumatology 0006-291X3Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1369-703XBiochemical En< gineering Journal 0006-2952 0305-1978#Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 0005-2728 1874-9399 0304-4165 1388-1981 0925-4439 0167-4889 1570-9639 0304-419X 0005-2736 0300-9084 Biochimie 1567-5394Bioelectrochemistry 0006-3207 1049-9644Biological Control 0006-3223Biological Psychiatry 0301-0511Biological Psychology 1045-1056 Biologicals 1083-8791+Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 0961-9534Biomass & Bioenergy 0142-9612 Biomaterials 0895-3988%Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 1746-8094(Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 0753-3322Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 0969-4765Biometric Technology Today 0968-0896 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 0960-894X(Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters FS00-0107 FS00-0131 0045-2068Bioorganic Chemistry 0301-4622Biophysical Chemistry 0960-8524Bioresource Technology 0956-5663Biosensors and Bioelectronics 0303-2647 1537-5110Biosystems Engineering 0734-9750Biotechnology Advances 1079-9796#Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases Blood Reviews 1740-1445 Body Image 8756-3282 1538-4721 Brachytherapy 0387-7604Brain & Development 0278-2626 0093-934X 0889-1591 0006-8993 0361-9230Brain Research Bulletin 1935-861XBrain Stimulation 0960-9776CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE 1043-321X&Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly 0890-8389 0266-43561British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 0360-1323Building and Environment 0001-4079 0007-4497#Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques 0305-4179Burns 0007-6813Business Horizons 0007-9820 0364-5916Calphad 0846-5371,Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 1877-7821Cancer Epidemiology 0304-3835Cancer Letters 1278-3218Fuel Processing Technology 1749-4613Fungal Biology Reviews 1754-5048Fungal Ecology 1087-1845Fungal Genetics and Biology 0920-3796Fusion Engineering and Design 1619-9987 0167-739X 0016-3287 0165-0114Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0966-6362Gait & Posture 0899-8256Games and Economic Behavior 0016-5085Gastroenterology 0016-5107Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1550-8579Gender Medicine 0378-1119Gene 1567-133XGene Expression Patterns 0016-6480%General and Comparative Endocrinology 0163-8343General Hospital Psychiatry 0888-7543Genomics 1068-5324 1569-190X(Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 0037-6337Skin and Allergy News 1201-9712 1878-6146Fungal Biology 0168-1656Journal of Biotechnology 1360-8592*Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 0148-2963Journal of Business Research 0883-9026Journal of Business Venturing 1071-9164Journal of Cardiac Failure 0914-5087 1053-07701Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1934-5925-Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography 0021-9517Journal of Catalysis 0886-3350(Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 0733-5210Journal of Cereal Science 1871-5532%Journal of Chemical Health and Safety 0891-0618 Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 0021-9614 1005-8885 1556-3707 Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 0021-9673Journal of Chromatography A 1570-0232Journal of Chromatography B 0959-6526Journal of Cleaner Production 0952-8180Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 1094-6950 Journal of Clinical Densitometry 0895-4356 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1933-2874 0967-5868 Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1386-6532 0021-9797(Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 0097-3165)Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 0095-8956)Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 0021-9924 0147-5967 Journal of Comparative Economics 0021-9975 Journal of Comparative Pathology 0885-064X 0377-04270Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0021-9991 Journal of Computational Physics 0022-0000 0143-974X(Journal of Constructional Steel Research 1057-7408Journal of Consumer Psychology 0169-7722 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 1815-5669 0168-3659Journal of Controlled Release 0929-1199Journal of Corporate Finance 1010-5182'Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 0047-2352Journal of Criminal Justice 0883-9441 1873-9946 0022-0248Journal of Crystal Growth 1296-2074'Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 1756-2317Diagnostic Histopathology 0732-8893.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 0925-9635Diamond and Related Materials 0926-2245*Differential Geometry and its Applications 0301-4681Differentiation 1590-8658Digestive and Liver Disease 1742-2876Digital Investigation 1051-2004Digital Signal Processing 1936-6574Disability and Health Journal 0166-218X 0012-365X 1572-5286Discrete Optimization 0011-5029Disease-A-Month 0141-9382Displays 1568-7864 0739-7240Domestic Animal Endocrinology 0376-8716Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1359-6446Drug Discovery TodayTRENDS 1740-6765 1740-6757 1740-6749 1740-6773 1368-7646Drug Resistance Updates 0143-7208Dyes and Pigments 0377-0265"Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 0885-2006"Early Childhood Research Quarterly 0378-3782Early Human Development 0012-821X#Earth and Planetary Science Letters 0012-8252Earth-Science Reviews 1471-0153Eating Behaviors 0305-196X 1476-945X 0921-8009 0925-8574 1470-160X 1574-9541Ecological Informatics 0304-3800 0264-9993Economic Modelling 0939-3625Economic Systems 1570-677XEconomics & Human Biology 0165-1765Economics Letters 0272-7757Economics of Education Review 0147-6513&Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 1749-7728 1747-938X 0748-7983,EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 0261-3794 0378-7796Electric Power Systems Research 1040-6190 1388-2481Electrochemistry Communications 0013-4686Electrochimica Acta 1567-4223 1566-0141Emerging Markets Review 1755-4586 1081-4507 EMS InsiderELSEVIER PUBLIC SAFETY 0160-9327 0360-5442Energy 0378-7788Energy and Buildings 0196-8904 Energy Conversion and Management 0140-9883Energy Economics 0973-0826"Energy for Sustainable Development 0301-4215 Energy Policy 0264-3707Journal of Geodynamics FS00-1055 0393-0440Journal of Geometry and Physics 0380-1330Journal of Great Lakes Research 0363-5023 1002-0721Journal of Rare Earths 1051-2276Journal of Renal Nutrition 1001-7844)Journal of Reproduction and Contraception 0165-0378"Journal of Reproductive Immunology 0092-6566"Journal of Research in Personality 0022-4359Journal of Retailing 0969-6989*Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0743-0167Journal of Rural Studies 0022-4375Journal of Safety Research 0022-4405 1440-2440(Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 1385-1101Journal of Sea Research 1060-3743 1058-2746%Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 1053-5357Journal of Socio-Economics 0022-4596 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 0022-460XJournal of Sound and Vibration 0895-9811 0378-3758-Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 0960-0760 0022-474X#Journal of Stored Products Research 0963-8687 1052-3057,Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 1047-8477Journal of Structural Biology 0191-8141Journal of Structural Geology 0740-5472$Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 0896-8446 1544-6794 1931-7204Journal of Surgical Education 0022-4804Journal of Surgical Research 0747-7171 0164-1212Journal of Systems and Software 1383-7621Journal of Systems Architecture 0022-4898Journal of Terramechanics 0190-9622 0735-1097 1546-1440,Journal of the American College of Radiology 1072-7515 1525-86105Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 0741-1626 0885-1980 0955-6648 0964-8720 0741-1642 0964-8747 0741-1677 0306-4484 0965-0504 0965-0512 1567-1739Current Applied Physics 0958-1669 Current Opinion in BiotechnologyCURRENT OPINION< 0955-0674Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1367-5931#Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 1359-0294.Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 1877-3435/Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 0959-437X)Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 0952-7915Current Opinion in Immunology 1369-5274Current Opinion in Microbiology 0959-4388Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1471-4892Current Opinion in Pharmacology 1369-5266 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 1359-02862Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 0959-440X%Current Opinion in Structural Biology 0147-0272Current Problems in Cancer 0146-2806Current Problems in Cardiology 0363-0188(Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology 1538-5442 0011-3840Current Problems in Surgery 0011-393X 1877-1297*Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 1043-4666Cytokine 1359-6101 Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews 1439-4847Das Neurophysiologie-Labor 0169-023XData & Knowledge Engineering 0167-9236Decision Support Systems 0967-0637 FS00-0216 0967-0645 FS00-0117 1125-7865Dendrochronologia 0011-8486Dental Abstracts 0109-5641Dental Materials 0044-5169 0011-9164 Desalination 0142-694XDesign Studies 0415-6412 0145-305X 0012-1606Developmental Biology 0273-2297 1871-4021:Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 1262-3636Diabetes & Metabolism 0168-8227 1158-1360 0165-1684Signal Processing FS00-5575 0923-5965&Signal Processing: Image Communication 1755-5817 0264-2751Cities 1877-9166City, Culture and Society 0009-8981Clinica Chimica Acta 0009-9120Clinical Biochemistry 0268-0033Clinical Biomechanics 1542-3565(Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 0899-7071Clinical Imaging 1521-6616Clinical Immunology 0196-4399 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 0303-8467#Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 1388-2457Clinical Neurophysiology 0261-5614 0936-6555Clinical Oncology 1522-8401%Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 0270-6644Clinical Psychiatry News 0272-7358Clinical Psychology Review 0009-9260Clinical Radiology 1876-1399Clinical Simulation in Nursing 0149-2918Clinical Therapeutics 0738-081XClinics in Dermatology 0378-3839Coastal Engineering 0010-0277 1077-7229!Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 0885-2014 0010-0285 1389-0417 0165-232X#Cold Regions Science and Technology 1322-7696 Collegian 0927-7757@Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 0927-7765&Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 0010-2180Combustion and Flame 1007-5704<Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 0967-067X$Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1548-5315Community Oncology 1095-6433TComparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 1096-4959RComparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 1532-0456KComparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 1744-117XIComparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics FS00-7514 0147-9571:Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 1744-3881,Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 0965-2299#Complementary Therapies in Medicine 0263-8223Composite Structures 1359-835X4Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1359-8368Composites Part B: Engineering FS00-1000 0266-3538!Composites Science and Technology 0010-440XComprehensive Psychiatry 1631-0691Comptes Rendus Biologies 1631-0748Comptes Rendus Chimie FS00-9100 1631-0713Comptes Rendus Geoscience 1631-073XComptes Rendus Mathematique 1631-0721Comptes Rendus Mecanique 1631-0683Comptes Rendus Palevol 1476-9271#Computational Biology and Chemistry 0925-7721 0927-0256Computational Materials Science 0167-9473(Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 0167-8396EInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 0888-613X.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1357-2725 0141-81302International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0167-5273#International Journal of Cardiology 0166-5162%International Journal of Coal Geology 1874-5482;International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 0736-57483International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 0955-3959$International Journal of Drug Policy 0738-0593 0883-0355 FS00-0491 0142-0615:International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 0020-7225,International Journal of Engineering Science 0142-1123 International Journal of Fatigue 0168-1605 0169-2070$International Journal of Forecasting 1873-9598$International Journal of Gerontology 1750-5836/International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 0020-72920International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 0142-727X,International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 0017-9310/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 0278-4319/International Journal of Hospitality Management 1071-5819/International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 0360-3199(International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1438-46399International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 0734-743X+International Journal of Impact Engineering 0169-8141.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 0167-71870International Journal of Industrial Organization 0268-4012/International Journal of Information Management 0147-1767 0160-2527+International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1756-0616/International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 0890-69556International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 1387-3806*International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 0020-7403,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 1386-5056,International Journal of Medical Informatics 1438-4221-International Journal of Medical Microbiology 0301-7516+International Journal of Mineral Processing 0301-9322(International Journal of Multiphase Flow 0020-7462-International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 0020-7489(International Journal of Nursing Studies-International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 0901-50277International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1878-12417International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing 1746-0689-International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 0165-58766International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 0378-5173 0749-6419#International Journal of Plasticity 0308-0161EXCERPTA MEDICA 0272-6386#American Journal of Kidney Diseases 0002-9343 0002-9378+American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 0002-9394!American Journal of Ophthalmology 0889-5406<American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 0196-0709"American Journal of Otolaryngology 0749-3797'American Journal of Preventive Medicine 0002-9610 1075-9964Anaerobe 1472-0299 1878-7886Journal of Visceral Surgery 1878-8750World Neurosurgery 1877-8860Scandinavian Journal of Pain 0923-2532 0992-5945 Option/Bio 1631-0705Comptes Rendus Physique 1877-0320 1769-7255Nephrologie & TherapeutiqueNTSISSNg RQHr>y2012t^ёNEuropean Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases053681586509097054440010400298100051263610062055510903009031090810903208018127460536912707050300544605031053701002808019090331267200115050330029409034054360059307645120311000712028126050753007655120321203407646009391202913364100311319505034076470510404236021271335005272120370202413014126830510505549100320302902077020780515308633002370202503030010291265203031020260202700174127430405608144080210410005106055540555308740 2210-7940-Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders08786 1682-606XFormosan Journal of Surgery075311203903032030330515404234042350429312038060101006005273030340537105107120401321613078075700504105567120330765408697 2211-42541204302235 FS00-223509110002120533300344020810101105334010140202800389131661342605335010430740705498 2211-8160 Global Heart060660740812044077891277012045091040047901028085500309207785134440802212981 2211-8837Health Policy and Technology13452 0840-4704Healthcare Management Forum0504313169054961336008757 1499-3872055071204711002 1730-12701291510023085880858908585120460766005274130640741005336090391204908637052781002605044052800510807663074540557305374120480096405281053750556100244052820766902199002360519803040010590605206011003900040605376052860745512744155520204113196020290013300140006800020802030020831273805576126090035307412074640304205047055390766200395050480802505337086280071205519007190096800491030440027803045051090537808649040890802607657002100065912608004851002400700052840537904292030460053500295126320026405155002060802410025053380023400299002661273312901127480408112931 1879-98170802805049007620203105380030470505007551021280304805381002560864800297134490906315788 2171-9748-International Medical Review on Down Syndrome07415074160767307447090570905605382053401580415806078110781205383127651301209089090410935109040060401000914023130830741805384076750084008673 2005-290110085 2211-5587Journal of Acute Medicine126280767800337050510069107419030501205113302060120515712050008010745608702 1514-0326Journal of Applied Economics05341054830024814077 2211-36813Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition1205312643126271313300235074210864700211126650538500339003211201708617 1674-8301Journal of Biomedical Research042890511305111127450768707688132710411905641 1878-5409< Journal of Cardiology Cases13051134271205407694126500764905053126110859813455 1556-3499"Journal of Chiropractic Humanities1403405158051590305207690140310751813425127160502112056120601206107693120551261212057052881205808700 1877-7503 Journal of Computational Science120590203207814053420562705054053871273500366130660862105200090690543713453 0022-0302Journal of Dairy Science0867403053080320538807697120620548206013053890539005289120660769906014 1572-66570605513270030540516105290075351316505391140270539203015120641264212640020340857612942 2210-6006)Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health13335080331302308698 1728-869X%Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness1300308707 1878-3317+Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine1206305112120650562906015120690545605540077051266206016120680203513341127341000808591030881206705619056000534300874010550520112772 1879-4068Journal of Geriatric Oncology0866513136140160516205393075830814510072 2210-8033Journal of Herbal Medicine07423126471263712070126240410306069053440545705055086201263105613040910771100231078160742405395054420768403055120710425807717030560520205470120760520313026010560209204083053450601712886 1005-0302)Journal of Materials Science & Technology120730745706018120750861613431085940516312074054880505808709 1684-11821Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection133721261412615051660516714040 1525-1578077210516912077051700539805443120780606408655126061265305060008660506105204051720520512079134100771414065 2211-36495Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders0540015780 1888-4296Journal of Optometry130680601908723 2210-49172Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation131340772512080077521317613162130690407013249131870534605173077261262606020060210605406041002290904208739 1836-9553Journal of Physiotherapy100101272707729060220529103057131891302905616050520024107550060230302805292002721335612939 2210-9706/Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management0856113264086180803412081074270305800348006790069904244054530745813085074301208412616008390540100333003060540213324120820053907553054521336607589120831265407735052990030213450 0890-85671330907681133570768213340133801324213424133790859002036003341207208629030800022005063086111261700383130880410710014060750306004290158001208514024131811308913411055090506415866120871268212086133430534705480052070743213422085931551603061052931004416176 1879-3991054040909002284022900229102285030630511700616010160086709087133810743307434009561208812938 2210-656108143005830903507459002930753810033077380529507460053480511800358080361261807540100341267712750030640534902039086240535005351030650040002038030660774406025052080031306043060420604406026060270602806029010300306900623077410541005296055470803705411020401266105210003740030308038081460803900933090460907309149075390306812718055591004615959 2173-5727$Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)04265086050560712089132520774502097054611209208792 2211-1220Methods in Oceanography0909209098090471265810011055550529802094002740047507780053001209412751100490083708603055690506608040120911266400457120160025306068120931580508776 2211-0348(Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders05069050730507408710 1878-778904085133630307209354021580084107541120951209800643053011209715772 2173-580810071 0941-9500(Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research009731271900279090510909300247004680083108042001360017508043055770754405450004260504208599006781318512099086560023904098010600227907435120960603006045052110521212702075420521405215052161290012752133381317507740090740550607543131971272902044003200104600490001760037512972 2211-6923#Operations Research for Health Care05412130651309713121130980758512101052180549903076020430521910018090530010512944 1348-864313028074360535405558004761210007753158390427315649 1877-0568/Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research1273008755-Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives12689134481005111003 0030-6657Otolaryngologia Polska15648054131287412731050761316005355060650530208061030960861209094100210512108044003280530311001 0031-3939Pediatria Polska07756131980866310002042850754705304006031001905505121050866107786126760753607546001380017705489054790522005222052230522405458042860862612875004130523605237054840535705238126600754804065002730429110020077921262900200090540804512106134300530506073086430307700218030780204502050051220603112937 1879-8500Practical Radiation Oncology091220935309159053580775008732 2210-778912107051231580304280020520406805611020510863115101004150040813204004920047410006004070041400412075490047805178004220603215807 1723-7785Progress in Orthodontics0041908046004090041800410006640010600417004110775412720121041003508047080640804809155007310047314045 0033-3182Psychosomatics04053100520743712687158020743806063008650103712108006360028600331126970804904115051800541405079121100210402054077590101000969022720041605636 1472-64830401607552056210409400826126880855209060133700423812904 2210-53950Research in Transportation Business & Management05606127090541505416030790512512673051260805115796 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Part A. Applied Radiation and Isotopes1Formerly known as Applications of Surface Science/Formerly known as Heat Recovery Systems and CHP< Incorporated into AquacultureKFormerly known as International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology5Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis ResearchsIncorporating Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics and Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere6Formerly known as Australian Emergency Nursing Journal1Continued as Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)JFormerly known as Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses Journal9Formerly known as Journal of the Autonomic Nervous SystemFormerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis; Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on BioenergeticsFormerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on BiomembranesUFormerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression/Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica ActaFormerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects; Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsIncorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics]Formerly known as Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research; Incorporating Bone and Mineral>Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical AnaesthesiologyFormerly known as Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism; Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism?Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology:Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical HaematologyGContinued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology;Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical RheumatologyYFormerly part of The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal7Formerly known as Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics7Formerly known as Journal of Biological Standardization Incorporating Clinical MaterialsTFormerly known as Biological Wastes; Incorporating Energy in Agriculture and BiomassFormerly known as Biosensors>Formerly known as Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research{Incorporating Molecular Brain Research, Developmental Brain Research, Cognitive Brain Research and Brain Research Protocols1Formerly known as British Journal of Oral Surgery"Formerly known as Building Science Continued as Cancer Epidemiology2Formerly known as Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics2Formerly known as Bulletin du Cancer/Radiothrapie%Incorporating Evidence-based Oncology6Continued as Cardiovascular Revascularization MedicineUFormerly known as International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete.Incorporated into Cement and Concrete Research*Formerly known as Ceramurgia InternationalFormerly known as The Chemical Engineering Journal; Continued as Biochemical Engineering Journal and Chemical Engineering Journal:Incorporating Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section<Incorporating Laboratory Automation & Information Management1Incorporating Chemosphere - Global Change Science#Formerly known as Chinese AstronomyCContinued as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Suprieur0Formerly known as Journal of Computed Tomography9Formerly known as Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology,Predecessor of Clinical Lymphoma and MyelomaFormerly known as Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology; Incorporating Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control and Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section8Formerly known as Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists&Formerly part of Colloids and Surfaces2Formerly known as Studies in Comparative CommunismLFormerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: PhysiologyZFormerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative BiochemistryFormerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology; Continued as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & PharmacologyBFormerly known as Complementary Therapies in Nursing and MidwiferyFIncorporated into Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing+Continued as Composites Part B: Engineering.Formerly known as Fibre Science and Technology%Continued as Comptes Rendus Biologies"Continued as Comptes Rendus ChimieAContinued as Comptes Rendus Geoscience and Comptes Rendus Palevol(Continued as Comptes Rendus MathematiqueFormerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Acadmie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy; Continued as Comptes Rendus McaniqueeFormerly part of Comptes Rendus de l'Acadmie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science$Continued as Comptes Rendus Physique'Formerly known as Computers & Chemistry:Formerly known as Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM5Continued as Computer Languages, Systems & Structures2Formerly known as Computer Programs in Biomedicine4Formerly known as Computer Networks and ISDN SystemsAIncorporating Computers and Standards and Interfaces in Computing,Formerly known as CVGIP: Image Understanding(Formerly known as Computerized RadiologyIncorporating Location ScienceFormerly known as Urban SystemsrFormerly known as Journal of The British Contact Lens Association; Incorporating International Contact Lens Clinic,Formerly known as Controlled Clinical Trials0Formerly known as Current Problems in Pediatrics4Formerly known as Progress in Growth Factor Research.Formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA RepairHFormerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers&Continued as Diagnostic Histopathology,Continued as Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICOIncorporating Screening.Incorporating Exergy, An International Journal#Formerly known as Energy Conversion5Incorporating Journal of Energy Finance & Development&Formerly known as Engineering Analysis+Incorporating Mining Science and Technology!Formerly known as The ESP Journal(Formerly known as Environmental SoftwareIncorporating Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological and Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical]Formerly known as European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology"Formerly known as Radiation Botany!Incorporating Journal of Epilepsy6Formerly known as Estuarine and Coastal Marine SciencezFormerly known as European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology; Associated with European Journal of Cancer Supplements1Continued as European Journal of Medical Genetics=Formerly known as European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology+Formerly known as Journal of Cancer Nursing*Incorporating Pharmaceutica Acta HelvetiaeFIncorporating European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology6Formerly known as European Journal of Vascular Surgery)Continued as Evolution and Human BehaviorIncorporating Neurodegeneration(Formerly known as Experimental Pathology/Formerly known as Food and Cosmetics Toxicology"Formerly known as Forensic SciencelIncorporating Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine and Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine&Formerly known as Mycological ResearchFormerly known as Mycologist(Continued as Fungal Genetics and Biology8Formerly known as Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion>Continued as Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences/Incorporating Journal of Government Information7Formerly known as Graphical Models and Image Processing-Formerly known as Health Policy and EducationyFormerly known as The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery; Continued as Heart, Lung and CirculationContinued as Homeopathy!Formerly known as Trait - d'UnionFormerly known as ITBM-RBM!Formerly known as PhotogrammetriaFormerly known as ITBM-RBM NewsDFormerly known < as Zeitschrift fr Immunittsforschung: Immunobiology5Incorporating Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)3Formerly known as Information Storage and Retrieval1Incorporating Information Sciences - Applications)Formerly known as Information and Control)Continued as Information and Organization!Formerly known as Data Processing"Formerly known as Infrared Physics-Incorporating Inorganica Chimica Acta Reviews%Formerly known as Insect Biochemistry(Formerly known as Intensive Care Nursing0Formerly known as International Biodeterioration<Formerly known as Scandinavian International Business Review3Formerly known as Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer,Continued as International Emergency Nursing2Incorporated into International Immunopharmacology.Formerly known as International Library Review)Formerly known as Evaluation in EducationcFormerly known as International Journal of Man-Machine Studies; Incorporating Knowledge Acquisition<Formerly known as Zentralblatt fr Hygiene und Umweltmedizin4Formerly known as Social Science Information Studies?Formerly known as International Journal of the Sociology of LawKFormerly known as International Journal of Machine Tool Design and ResearchNFormerly known as International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes9Continued as International Journal of Medical InformaticsyFormerly known as Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie; Incorporating International Journal of Medical Microbiology Supplements7Formerly known as International Journal of Oral Surgery1Formerly known as Journal of Osteopathic Medicine<Formerly known as Engineering Costs and Production EconomicsfFormerly known as International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts-Formerly known as Revue Gnrale de Thermique3Formerly known as Journal of Adolescent Health Care$Formerly known as Journal of Allergy3Formerly known as Journal of the Less Common Metals Formerly known as Geoexploration;Formerly known as Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences@Formerly known as Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics.Continued as Journal of Biomedical Informatics<Formerly known as Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering6Formerly known as Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia2Continued as Journal of Chemical Health and Safety%Incorporating Chromatographic ReviewsSFormerly known as Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications-Formerly known as Journal of Chronic Diseases)Continued as Journal of Clinical Virology,Formerly known as Journal of Colloid Science0Formerly part of Journal of Combinatorial Theory2Formerly known as Journal of Maxillofacial SurgeryEIncorporating Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain3Formerly known as Journal of Diabetic ComplicationsYFormerly known as Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry6Formerly known as Engineering Management International5Incorporated into Journal of Environmental Management;Formerly known as Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine3Continued as Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine-Continued as Journal of Genetics and Genomics2Incorporated into Journal of Immunological Methods(Formerly known as Bioinorganic Chemistry/Continued as Journal of Integrative Agriculture-Formerly known as Journal of Direct MarketingaIncorporating Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A and Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B:Formerly known as Journal of Mechanical Working Technology@Formerly known as Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior6Formerly known as The Journal of Men's Health & Gender/Formerly part of Journal of Molecular Catalysis8Continued as Journal of Molecular Graphics and ModellingLFormerly known as Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes/Incorporated into Journal of Monetary Economics9Continued as Journal of Network and Computer Applications,Incorporated into Journal of Neuroimmunology8Continued as Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior4Formerly known as Journal of Pharmacological Methods*Formerly part of Journal of PhotochemistrykFormerly known as Zeitschrift fr Pflanzenphysiologie; Incorporating Biochemie und Physiologie der PflanzenCContinued as Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery"Continued as Journal of Proteomics8Continued as Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management5Formerly known as Netherlands Journal of Sea Research1Formerly known as Journal of Behavioral EconomicsLFormerly known as Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research*Continued as Journal of Surgical Education6Formerly known as Microprocessing and Microprogramming&Continued as Journal of World BusinessCFormerly known as International Journal of High Technology CeramicsBContinued as Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersAFormerly known as Landscape Planning; Incorporating Urban EcologyFContinued as Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical ServicesContinued as Livestock ScienceFormerly known as Metallography%Formerly known as Materials Chemistry2Formerly part of Materials Science and EngineeringPFormerly part of Materials Science Reports; Incorporating Supramolecular Science*Formerly part of Materials Science Reports(Formerly known as Mathematical ModellingFormerly known as Matrix"Incorporating Industrial Metrology'Formerly known as Journal of Mechanisms6Formerly known as Cell Differentiation and Development3Formerly known as Journal of Biomedical Engineering'Continued as Medical Laser Applications.Incorporating Neuroprotocols and ImmunoMethods(Incorporated into Microbes and Infection0Formerly known as Zentralblatt fr MikrobiologieJIncorporating Electron Microscopy Reviews and Micron and Microscopica Acta6Incorporated into Microporous and Mesoporous Materials!Formerly known as MicroprocessorslFormerly known as Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology; Continued as Molecular Genetics and Metabolism!Formerly known as ImmunochemistryTIncorporated into Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis;Continued as Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research#Formerly known as NDT International/Formerly known as Behavioral and Neural Biology<Formerly known as International Journal of NeuropharmacologyQFormerly known as Revue d'Electroencphalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique'Formerly known as Biobehavioral Reviews/Incorporating Neuroscience Research Supplements%Formerly known as Vistas in Astronomy\Formerly known as Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering; Continued as New BiotechnologyOIncorporating Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A and Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B0Formerly known as Nuclear Structural EngineeringDFormerly part of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research{Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology Formerly part of Nuclear Physics<Continued as Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine0Formerly known as Ocean and Shoreline ManagementHContinued as Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery#Formerly known as Optics TechnologyContinued as Oral Oncology?Formerly known as Organizational Behavior and Human Performance$Continued as Orthopaedics and Trauma)Continued as Paediatrics and Child HealthContinued as Particuology)Formerly known as Beitrge zur Pathologie:Formerly known as Patient Counselling and Health Education9Formerly known as Pharmacological Research CommunicationsIncorporating Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology and Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsFormerly part of PhysicaFormerly part of Physica B+C Formerly part of Physics Letters&Incorporating Computer Physics ReportsContinued as Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth<, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere and Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science/Formerly known as Physiological Plant Pathology'Formerly known as Plant Science Letters/Formerly known as Political Geography QuarterlydIncorporating Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters and Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear ChemistryIncorporated into Polymer$Incorporating Polymer Photochemistry9Formerly known as Symposium (International) on CombustionAFormerly known as Progress in Crystal Growth and CharacterizationDFormerly known as Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids+Formerly known as Progress in Metal Physics6Formerly known as Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology.Formerly known as Progress in Retinal Research:Incorporated into Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators;Formerly known as Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and MedicineContinued as Protist2Continued as Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics;Formerly known as Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements~Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics and Chemistry#Formerly known as Reactive Polymers.Formerly known as Regional and Urban Economics)Formerly known as Reliability Engineering%Incorporating Solar & Wind Technology9Continued as Reports of Practical Oncology & RadiotherapypIncorporating Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental Retardation%Formerly known as Ricerche Economiche>Formerly known as Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie6This title changed from Book Series to Journal in 2006&Formerly known as Resources and EnergyEIncorporating Conservation & Recycling and Resources and Conservation:Formerly known as British Journal of Diseases of the Chest2Continued as Respiratory Physiology & NeurobiologyJFormerly known as Revue Franaise d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique/Continued as Revue Francophone des LaboratoiresFormerly known as Robotics@Incorporated into Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing3Formerly known as Journal of Occupational Accidents<Formerly known as Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies2Formerly known as Journal Forensic Science Society\Formerly known as Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia; Incorporating Nanostructured Materials5Continued as Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology)Formerly known as Seminars in Neonatology&Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators8Incorporated into Separation and Purification Technology0Formerly known as Simulation Practice and TheoryIncorporating Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology, Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics, Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography, S+Incorporated into Soil and Tillage ResearchSFormerly known as International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering4Incorporating Solar Cells and Solar Energy Materials!Continued as Solid State Sciences!Continued as Space Research TodayDFormerly known as Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy$Formerly part of Spectrochimica Acta%Incorporating Surface Science Letters$Formerly known as Surface TechnologyBContinued as Surveys in Operations Research and Management ScienceFormerly known as Zentralblatt fr Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie und Hygiene: I. Abt. Originale C: Allgemeine, angewandte und kologische Mikrobiologie+Formerly known as Technological Forecasting#Formerly known as Art Psychotherapy7Formerly known as International Journal of BiochemistryFormerly known as SAS journal2Formerly known as The Journal of Logic ProgrammingFormerly known as Pain Forum1Formerly known as Journal of Steroid Biochemistry@Formerly known as North American Review of Economics and Finance#Continued as The Veterinary Journal0Continued as Topics In Companion Animal Medicine7Formerly known as General Topology and its Applications=Formerly known as International Journal of Tourism ManagementBFormerly known as Revue Franaise de Transfusion et d'Hmobiologie%Formerly known as Transfusion Science#Continued as Translational Research9Formerly known as Transportation Research Part A: General(Formerly part of Transportation Research4Continued as Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care!Continued as Trends in Immunology)Continued as Trends in Molecular Medicine#Continued as Trends in ParasitologyFormerly known as Tribology5Formerly known as Tubercle; Continued as TuberculosisZFormerly known as Comparative and General Pharmacology; Continued as Vascular Pharmacology7Formerly known as Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management0Formerly known as Journal of Wilderness Medicine0Continued as The Australian Journal of Midwifery9Formerly known as Women's Studies International QuarterlyContinued as World NeurosurgeryRContinued as Zeitschrift fr Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitt im Gesundheitswesen4Formerly known as Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin7Formerly known as Mining Science and Technology (China).Formerly know as Advances in Enzyme Regulation6Continued as Clinical Ovarian Other Gynecologic CancerCFormerly known as Prevention and Control; continued as Global Heart0Formerly known as Journal of Orthopaedic NursingOContinued as Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology>Formerly known as Journal of the American Dietetic AssociationPFormerly known as International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications_Formerly known as Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology#Continued as Renewable Energy FocusContinued as e-SPEN Journal7Formerly known as Journal of Nanjing Medical University32W M['^^c8 >gkfnrnw{]L @ u+Îywr V5 `J0 ? # &6kP/W" *k9l@v ^ V>)?Q! % *-15 J:==A G\LO^RQU\WOY.[\^`db] ed9 e giUkb&moprXtuxy{} σ k ƈxQb=2W|.˘dR{6K J FC88 _gK&U yA_8Ut|h"'#~s q2ccB g2ɀ  xi'<Q g|ȑHdh`4&D;} )@} >} S} $A} I#B} $B} B} B} B} B} $ B} $ > (Column XFE)t2t  x  V@ @ : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ `o aaP ^p_____>>> bH bI bJ bK bL b b] b b  b  DDD VM V ] W~ Y|@ L DR L L  D  DDD VN V ] W~ Y@ L DR L L DDDD VO V ] W~ Y@ L D^ L L DDDD VP V ] W~ YPy@ L D_ L L DDDD VQ V ] W~ Yr@ L D_ L L DDDD VR V ] W~ Y0@ L D` L L DDDD VS V ] W~ YPs@ L DR L L DDDD VT V ] W~ Y@ L Da L L DDDD VU V ] W~ Yy@ L D L L DDDD VV V ] W~ Y<@ L Db L L DDDD VW V ] W~ Y@ L Dc L L DDDD VX V ] W~ Y@ L D L L DDDD VY V ] W~ Y@ L Db L L  D  DDD VZ V ] W~ YP@ L Dd L L DDDD V[ V ] W~ YP@ L Da L L DDDD V\ V ] W~ Y@@ L Dc L L DDDD V V ]H WZ~ Y@ L DR L L DDDD V] V ]H W~ Y@ L D^ L L DDDD V^ V ] W~ Yj@ L D L L DDDD V V ]I WZ~ Y@ L DR L L DDDD V V ]J WZ~ Y`@ L DR L L DDDD V_ V ]I W~ Yy@ L De L L DDDD V` V ] W~ Y@ L Df L L DDDD Va V ] W~ Y@ L D^ L L DDDD Vb V ]J W~ Y|@ L D^ L L  D  DDD Vc V ] W~ YM@ L De L L DDDD Vd V ] W~ Yȗ@ L Da L L  D  DDD Ve V ]K W~ YX@ L Da L L  D  DDD Vf V ] W~ Yx@ L Dg L L DDDD Dl( @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9 @: @; @< @= @> @? @ Vg V ]L W~ Yx@ L D_ L L D DDD !Vh !V !] !W~ !Ym@ !L !DR !L !L! 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